Resources & Crisis support

We have included links and resources that might be helpful. Please note that these materials have been developed by external organisations.


If you or someone in your family is feeling overwhelmed or unsafe, don’t hesitate to use the links and numbers below:

If you or your child is in crisis and are in risk of harm, you can call 999 and ask for an ambulance or tell an adult to call one for you.


  • Anna Freud: Information for parents and carers on supporting children and their wellbeing.

  • Family Lives: Information on parenting, family life and bullying.

  • Challenging Behaviour Foundation: Providing information, guidance and support for challenging behaviours.

  • Gingerbread: Information and support for single parent families. Provides a webchat and an online forum for single parents.


  • Anxiety UK: Advice, support and information for people struggling with anxiety. Includes specific information for children and young people.

  • Kidscape: For advice, support and information around bullying.

  • Beat: Support services, web chat, and online groups are available for individuals facing challenges with eating disorders, as well as for their family and friends.

  • OCDAction: Information, support and helpline for anyone struggling with OCD.

  • Cruse: For bereavement support, information and advice.

  • Changing Faces: Information, support and advice for children and adults with a visible difference.


  • ADHD Foundation: Offering information and advice as well as training for professionals, parents and carers of children with ADHD and tics.

  • UK ADHD: Offering advice and supporting education systems as well as parents and carers of children with ADHD.

  • National Autistic Society: Information, advice and helpline for supporting children and adults with a diagnosis of ASD.

  • The Autism Education Trust: Information, resources and training to help support children with Autism in education as well as life.

  • Tourette's Action UK: Information, support and advice for families and children with Tourette’s.